Seven Sins
Death 75
A Victory!!!
Well done guild a fine win against opponents that had better levels than us... A Goliath called black death at 297 but we teamed together and got him out early....
The other guild were very quiet which led to Adrian releasing war cries and spouting shakespear! Sinner points will be given out to the active guild members who can come out with the best war cries during battle...
So the stats....
Sinners active = 17
Death active = 12
Sinners defeated 57/97
Death defeated 46/100
Jon 3820
Watsonne 3900
Mohair 3500 ( came out of nowhere and pulled out the moves)
Sam 5040
Adrian 3900
Falcon 2700
Pimplord 4400
Taurian 4600
Pride 3800
Fraear 4560
Vanity 3000
Ariell 1620
Strider 4920
Wrath 4540
Saircen 1300
Covetous 3820
Dude 1000 (slacking dude)
Death 75
All might 3200
Dragons revenge 1600
T 3800
Black death 4640
Static4466 5160
Kseakevin 3080
Denton 4400
Sjw0006 4160
Bang bumf 4920
Alibaba 7680
Lily 5400
Thua 5320
Top sinners
1 Sam
2 Strider
3 Taurian ....damn you just beat me to 3rd!
Good game everyone!