Seven Sins

The Official Seven Sins Fan Site

"Through flames slowly parted, and through the mist and Darkness came the Sinners". -Dragan

The Sinner's Corner

April 20, 2012

Seven Sins vs. Skulls

Seven Sins vs. Skulls

April 20, 2012


That was the closest game I have ever battled in, loads of late comers into this one that helped to seal the victory by only a small margin.

Seven sins

Lum the mad 1900
Rupert 2640
Pimplord 4400
Taurine 5580
Pride 4300
Vanity 1000
Ariell 2565
Strider 5000
Wrath 4640
Fallen saint 5180
Covetous 2660
Dude 1700
Adrian 3840
Watsonne 2400
Jon 3900


Juan 6400
Oven 4780
Awe ester 5800
Alders 1600
Seth Stark 2200
Danny 1600
Thamior 720
Nilwob 1600
Dubifier 4460
Goliath 4920
Bob OMB 7640
Sethul 4160
Max 4660
Rand 3360mat 3480
Mouse man 3400

Seven sins active =15
Skulls active = 15

Seven sins defeated = 41
Skulls defeated = 43

Last two members killed I think was due to some tactical anihalation. Pick your target and team up coins, only stun and move on to next weakest target good game guild

Top 3 Sinners

1 taurine
2 fallen saint
3 strider

Top 3 skulls

1 juan
2 Goliath
3 oven ( think that's his name unless the iPad has corrected it, maybe it was Owen)

1 comment:

  1. Damn! Sounds like it was a nice match. Sorry to have missed it! :)
