Seven Sins

The Official Seven Sins Fan Site

"Through flames slowly parted, and through the mist and Darkness came the Sinners". -Dragan

The Sinner's Corner

May 11, 2012

Guild Battling Guide

Guild Battling Guide


§  Cost 20 Stamina to enter.
§  The battle is 2 hours long.
§  Choose a class that fits your stats (break down below). Must be picked before the battle starts, you can’t change during the battle.
§  You are given 10 tokens at the beginning. Each token allows 1 attack and regenerates at 1 token/ 5 minutes.
§  Your health is equivalent to 100 + 10hp/1 health stat added.
§  Stun all actives (look to see who has points) in the other guild FIRST by bringing their health to 0.
§  Only attack someone if you are SURE that you can defeat, before attacking take a look at their gear. If it is better than yours, you shouldn’t attack!
§  The battle ends if all players of the opposing side are defeated.
§  Guild coins are awarded at the end of the battle in regards to how many battle points you get.


§  Stun opponents that are active first by bringing their health to 0! Doing this will make the opponent hit half the damage.
§  Defeating an opponent is when you bring their health below 200! If they are not active then there is no need to waste your tokens stunning them. (unless we are farming them for points)

Picking a Class and Leveling

§  WARRIORS receive a bonus on both Attack and Defense statistics if they win a  duel while in a healthy state. At Level 1, this is +3, Level 2 +6, and at Level 3, it is +10 Attack and Defense. Warrior Class is a good choice if you need the additional Attack and Defense statistics to win and is especially useful if the opponent matches you almost 1-to-1.

§  ROGUES - when they win they have the ability to inflict extra damage on individual opponents. At Level 1, this is + 30 damage, Level 2 +60, and at Level 3, it is +100. Rogues are useful in facilitating a quick victory while taking the least amount of relative damage.

§  MAGES have the ability, when they win and are in a healthy state, to inflict damage on ALL opponents at the Gate. At Levels 1 and 2, this damage is +10 but applies only to offensive victories not defensive. At Level 3, damage remains +10 but applies to BOTH offensive and defensive victories. This is a good Class to pick if you know you are going to win and you want to hurt every one of your opponents, thus gaining an extra damage point for each.

§  CLERICS are the only Guild Class capable of healing themselves and all allies assigned to the same Gate they are. At Levels 1 and 2, they can heal their Gate for 10 point when they successfully defend themselves (i.e., are attacked but win). At level 3, they can heal their Gate for 10 point when they successfully attack their opponent OR successfully defend themselves. Choosing this class is good if you have a defensive build or decent PvP stats and works even better if you seem weaker than you really are (i.e., you look like easy prey but are not).

Class Abilities
§  For more info look at the guild shop for all of the abilities you can buy or check out
§  I highly recommend getting Resistance level 4 which reduces the damage you receive on offensive/defensive attack by 10-40. Each level increase adds 10hp resisted.
§  Note that when your class is leveled to 4 you can have two abilities equipped at the same time. You can however switch abilities while in battle so switching between resistance and another ability is recommended.
§  Also note that you can’t use your ability if you have been stunned.

Activity Points
§  50 Activity Points for using a token while being polymorphed
§  135 Activity Points for using a skill
§  100 Activity Points for a loss
§  160 Activity Points for a win or successful buff apply against lower level players (less than your level * 80%)
§  200 Activity Points for a win or successful buff apply against someone who is within your level range (BETWEEN your level * 80% AND your level * 120%)
§  240 Activity Points for a win or successful buff apply against someone who is above your level range (greater than your level * 120%)

Guild Coins/Rewards

§  Guild coins are calculated by your Activity Points/100 (rounded up). +10% for the winning guild.
§  Guild coins can be used to purchase Abilities, Armor(if using facebook), and the General Deianira.


§  Choose your best General when attacking (high attack stats) and when you aren’t attacking switch to a General good at defending (high defense stats). Or use a general that is class specific and gives guild battle boosts such as Deianira. Check others out at
§  Stick to one class! It takes a long time and many battles to level up your class so sticking with one is going to be your best option.
§  Armor IS important!! I can’t stress this enough. Having better equipment gives you more offensive/defensive stat points therefore making you stronger and more likely to win. Do your best to obtain good armor and weapons by means of demi-points and monster hunting.
§  When you are defeated/stunned, keep attacking and using your tokens, you still can do a good amount of damage and gain activity points!
§  The opponents’ clerics are a huge target if they are active because they can heal, so they are always priority number 1.
§  Communicate and make call outs in the guild chat. Coordination is key to defeating a tough guild.
§  If you aren’t sure you can defeat an opponent you can go to the guild page of your adversaries and find the keep link of your target and challenge him to a duel to see if you will win or not (do this against clerics especially).
§  I also suggest teaming up with another guild member to coordinate attacks. Many classes such as Mages/Rogues go well together with polymorph and a rogues huge hit.


  1. Roc, a very great summary. Nice to see the breakdown of how points are calculated. I agree on the teamwork point too. Although, I normally go all over the place with my attacks, I'd like to team up. :)

    Good point about resistance. Anybody who is not level 4 resistance better be saving for it. It is by far the most valuable long term investment.

    Question, does anyone know the formula for collecting class XP for levelling up?

  2. Thanks Super, and I have yet to find the class xp leveling formula. Very slow is what i have come up with lol

  3. LSI and BSI calculator

    Leveling Speed Index (LSI) as an indicator of how fast you can level.
    LSI = [ENE + (STA*2)] / LVL
    Your strength in battle can be roughly gauged using the Battle Strength Index (BSI)
    BSI = (ATT + DEF ) / LVL
    BSI ——-LSI——– Build Type——–Levelling speed———-Battle Strength
    0 – 1 —- 8 – 9 —-> Power Leveler —– Extremely Fast ———- Very Weak
    1 – 3 —> 6 – 8 —-> Monster Hunter ——- Very Fast —————- Weak
    3 – 5 —> 4 – 6—–> Hybrid ————- Fast ————————— Strong
    5 – 7 —> 2 – 4 —-> PvP —————– Slow ———————- Very Strong
    >7 —–> < 2——> Pure PvP——— Very Slow ———– Extremely Strong

  4. If you have a hero or general that adds health equipped when the battle starts, you will get that health for the duration of the battle. For example if you have a fully equipped Darius, you get +8 health, or 80 extra hp. Once the battle starts, you can change it to whatever general you want that will help you during the battle and the HP will stay.

  5. Isn't attacking on the side outside of battle considered poor manners and discouraged by the honorable guilds?

  6. How is an anonymous post like that helpful? Care to elaborate?

    1. Guild: many. I am I wandering bard. How is it helpful? All of the guilds I have been in except one starter guild say it it improper to attack in keep while guild battle is going on. If the post above is saying to send a pm and ask for permission to battle, fine. But to test hit, that would get a message to an officer of the other guild from what I've seen.
